Plans and Pricing

An edition for every laboratory
Price & Plans

A plan & price which best matches your laboratory needs

Unique features of Lenava LIMS empower your laboratory workflows, improve productivity, configurability and scalability.

Lenava LIMS different plans, modularity and customizability, helps you to prepare a software structure that suits your laboratory the most.
Sample Management Improvement
Instruments Management Improvement
Generating Comprehensive Reports
Data Loss Prevention
Basic Version
Sample and Test Registration
Sample Tracking
Test Reporting
Workflow Management
Price Creation and Billing
Chat and Ticketing
Management Module
Lite +
Instruments Registration
Regular Check Up Services
Task Allocation
Instruments Calibration Tracking
Calibration History Collecting
Ready To Get Start
Join thousands of labs who boost their productivity with Lenava LIMS
We are growing

Make your laboratory perfect with affordable price

Lenava LIMS is flexible and scalable to help you to meet today and tomorrow needs of your laboratory
Basic Version suitable for individuals, students and academic labs
Sample and Test Registration
Sample Tracking
Test Reporting
Workflow Management
Price Creation and Billing
Chat and Ticketing
Customer Message Delivery
Standard Version focused on management features
Lite +
Instruments Registration
Regular Check Up Services
Task Allocation
Instruments Calibration Tracking
Check Up History Collecting
Calibration History Collecting
Advanced version focused on documentation features
Standard +
Test Quality Ckeck
Documentations Uploading and Collecting
Documentations Classifications
Several QC Reporting Tools
Analysis Results Available in Graphs and Excel
Enterprise version focused on customer service
Advanced +
Customer Dashboard
Customer Message Delivery
Online Test Requesting
Project Result Tracking
Online Customer Feedback
our features

How we perform

Lab Management, at the most effective way powered by Lenava engineering group
Sample, data and instruments management

With Lenava LIMS, you are able to go beyond sample accessioning and management as the core function of your lab management software

Workflow Management and process monitoring

Add automation and optimization to your laboratory workflows and monitor every single change with diverse process monitoring features of Lenava LIMS

Data analysis and advanced reporting

Our product provides you with a complete set of advanced data reporting and analyzing tools to help you make smarter decisions for your business